Cancellation Policy

As a courtesy to our office and to the other patients waiting for care, appointment cancellations require at least one business day’s notice, except in exceptional circumstances.  The missed appointment charges are as follows:

                 New Consultation:  $100

                 Follow-up Appointment: $50

Payment can be made online, or in the office.  Payments can be made by cash, cheque, debit or credit in the office, and by credit card online.   If your account remains outstanding, you may also be reminded about any outstanding charges at the time of booking or attending new appointments. 

Please be reminded that as per our office policy, patients who have missed a new consultation may not be re-booked if the account remains outstanding for payment.  When patients miss 2 or more follow-up appointments, they may not be re-booked, as time is needed for the care of other patients.